
Step #1

Where to begin?

Let's make a place where should shows SVG file. Add the following code to your HTML:
<svg width="960" id="mysvg" height="500" style="border: 1px solid"></svg>

Include the Javascript

Add following lines to HTML head:
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-dsv.v1.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-fetch.v1.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="http://avislab.com/inksvg/inksvg.v5.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Load SVG-files

Add your Javascript like below to load SVG-file:
  mysvg = new inksvg('#mysvg')

Step #2

Add other SVG-file

You can add another svg-files. And use them like objects.
options={width: 20, height:20, x:90, y:205, id:'CautionIcon'}
mysvg.addFile('svg-files/caution.svg', options)
mysvg.addFile('svg-files/caution.svg', {width: 20, height:20, x:90, y:205, id:'CautionIcon'})
You can use that files like icon or information objects. You should spesify diferent ID for each file. ID uses to object control. You can apply any attributes, styles, animation to objects by ID. To delete object created by 'addFile' use function deleteObj.

Control of view

Let's add some buttons to control view.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="mysvg.viewZ(+0.5)">Zoom in</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="mysvg.viewZ(-0.5)">Zoom out</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="mysvg.viewX(20)">Left</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="mysvg.viewX(-20)">Right</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="mysvg.viewY(20)">Up</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="mysvg.viewY(-20)">Down</button>

Step #3


You can preset following zoom options:
  • ZoomRange - minimal and maximal scale (for example:[1, 10])
  • ZoomMouseEnable - enable/disable zoom & dragging by mouse (true - allow mouse using, false - to disable mouse)
  • ZoomSlow - default "zoom fly" options (default {'delay': 100, 'duration': 1500}). Uses as default for functions: zoomXY, zoomObj
  • ZoomFast - default "zoom fly" options (default {'delay': 0, 'duration': 200}). Uses as default for functions: zoomReset, viewX, viewY, viewZ
mysvg.options = {
  'ZoomRange': [1, 10],
  'ZoomMouseEnable': true,
  'ZoomSlow': {'delay': 100, 'duration': 1500},
  'ZoomFast': {'delay': 0, 'duration': 200}
Examples to view control. To move view to point (x, y):
var x = 140
var y = 160
var scale = 7
To move view to particular object:
mysvg.zoomObj('g3516', 0)
scale = 0 - autoscale mode. You can set scale manually. For example:
mysvg.zoomObj('g3516', 5.0)
To reset zoom view:
You can run functions with custm zoom options. For example:
mysvg.zoomXY(140,160,7, {'delay': 0, 'duration': 0})
mysvg.zoomObj('g3516', 0, {'delay': 500, 'duration': 5000})
mysvg.zoomReset({'delay': 0, 'duration': 3000})

Step #4

Callback functions

You can specify callback function whitch will be called on some events. Following events are available:
  • onclick - called when mouse click on object
  • onmouseover - called when mouse over object
  • onmouseout - called when mouse out object
  • onload - called when file loading done
You should to define callback functions before SVG-file loading. By defalt the events onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout applyed to each object in SVG-file. Sometimes it's unnecessarily. You can specify mask to filter objects. For example:
mysvg.loadFile('svg-files/Eurofighter_Typhoon_line_drawing.svg', "path, rect, circle, tspan, use")
It's meens events onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout will applyed to object types: path, rect, circle, tspan, use. You can also specify the objects id in mask:
mysvg.loadFile('svg-files/Eurofighter_Typhoon_line_drawing.svg', "#g3516, #g6285")
It's meens callback functins will applyed to objects ID: g3516, and ID: g6285.


For example you can not get the objects list by command getIDList right after function loadFile. This code is wrong:
var objects = mysvg.getIDList("*")
It's need some time to loading SVG-file. Better to use callback function onload. This function will called when SVG-file loading complited. If you need to load other files (addFile), get objects list, set attributes or style, You should do it in callback function.

Step #5

Object attributes

Set object attributes:
mysvg.setObjAttr('CautionIcon', {'x':100, 'y':100})
Get object's attribute:
mysvg.getObjAttr('CautionIcon', 'x')

Object's style

Set style:
mysvg.setStyle('CautionIcon', 'opacity', '0.5')
Get style:
var stroke = parseFloat(mysvg.getStyle('CautionIcon', 'stroke-width'))
Hide / Show functions. Hide oject:
Show oject:

Step #6

Text fields

Modifying text in SVG-file. Change caption:
mysvg.setText('text4428', 'New caption')
Change color:
mysvg.setTextColor('text4428', 'red')
Set font family:
mysvg.setTextFontFamily('text4428', 'Arial')
Set font size:
mysvg.setTextFontSize('text4428', '18px')
Set font style:
mysvg.setTextStyle('text4428', options={ bold: false, italic: true, underline: true })
Modify position:
mysvg.setTextXY('text4428', 10, 20)
Set offset:
mysvg.setTextOffset('text4428', -50, -20)
You can change any styles by setStyle

Step #7


Standart animation:
mysvg.animateStart('CautionIcon', 'blink')
Predefined animations:
  • blink
  • blink-nonstop
  • border-dash
  • border-dash-nonstop
  • border-red
  • border-red-nonstop
You can create custom animation:
var MyAanimation = {
  "tag": "animate",
  "attributeName": "stroke",
  "attributeType": "CSS",
  "from": "#FFFFFF",
  "to": "#FF0000",
  "begin": "0s",
  "dur": "0.2s",
  "repeatCount": "25" 

mysvg.animateStart('CautionIcon', MyAanimation)
Stop animation:

© Andrey Koryagin 2017-2018. Ukraine, Kiev